
Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park

Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park today has 12 habituated Gorilla Groups for visitors to see. This means 96 gorilla permits are available each day for tourists going watch gorillas, with each family visited by up to 8 people for a maximum of 1 hour. Surprisingly, each Gorilla Group has distinct and unique characteristics quite different from one another. This was evident with the three Gorilla Families I had the pleasure to see: the Susa Group, the Agashya Group and the Umubano Group. 

Whilst trekking to observe gorillas is an experience of a lifetime, trekking to observe Golden Monkeys is also exciting, fun and fascinating. The Fossey Fund gorilla trackers have also been studying endangered golden monkeys since 2004 - the only other primate that lives in gorilla habitat.

Akagera National Park

Akagera is Rwanda’s savannah wildlife conservation area, on the eastern border with Tanzania, protecting a variety of species including elephant, zebra, giraffe, and lion. There is also a variety of antelopes including impala, topi and eland. With over 250 bird species this is also a birders paradise.

Akagera comprises some of the most scenic savannah in East Africa – open plains, woodlands, lakes, camp and grassy low mountains.

Magashi, the only private access area in the park, is situated in the productive and diverse north-eastern corner of Akagera National Park, over looking the scenic Lake Rwanyakazinga.

 Magashi Concession Gallery

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